
Wind Turbines in the US

Published at November 7, 2018 ·  3 min read

There is an ongoing project set up in the R Data Science Community known as “Tidy Tuesday.” Each week an interesting dataset is posted with varying degrees of data cleaning required. Members of the R community are then encouraged to clean/explore the data and share interesting visualizations and conclusions on Twitter, etc with the #Rstats hashtag. This has been really helpful for me to apply what I have been learning to real life data sets....

My First Post!

Published at October 26, 2018 ·  3 min read

Intro Hi, my name is Zach. Welcome to my blog, which I have created to document my journey into the world of Data Science. Playing with data and statistics/probability has always been the thing I could do for hours and hours and not realize that any time had passed. I began learning R so that I could dive deeper into this passion of mine. I chose R for the array of open source learning materials and how accessible the community felt....

Recent posts

Exploring the Lahman Database Pt. I

Wind Turbines in the US

My First Post!

My First Shiny App


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